We all at one point in our lives sat in math class and said "when the hell are we ever going to use any of this stuff?". With virtual reality mathematics is applied constantly. To understand how math is applied we must first know what virtual reality is. So..what is virtual reality? For starters the word virtual means existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination and the word reality means the totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, and truth. Therefore virtual reality would mean imaginary existence, but to be imaginary and to exist is absurd, not the world of virtual reality.
When we think of virtual reality we think of having to put on a helmet and sensors. This is partially true, but most virtual reality is found in video games and on rides such as MOM (you know that one at Jordans Furniture). Virtual reality is also used to train pilots in flight simulators and might also be used to train surgeons.
How is math used in vr(virtual reality, I got tired of typing it out)? Well, a vr world is made up of planes and polygons. If I were to tell you that in a vr world there are no 3D objects you wouldn't believe me, but this is true all the objects in a vr world are created by 2D geometric planes. To make objects theses planes are put together to make 3D shapes. A person making a vr world must have a knowledge of angles and measurements because to create a sphere you must put together many planes and these all should be at a certain angle to make the correct curve of the sphere. A knowledge of ratios and proportions is applied as well because the creator must know how to make things at the correct proportions to real life objects and to the other objects within the vr world. The creator must know have a knowledge of fractal geometry. Well what the heck is fractal geometry?? Fractal geometry is a type of mathematics that uses geometric pattern to make irregular shapes like branches and twigs. Fractals are very helpful in the creation of vr worlds, say you are making a virtual forest do u really want to go through all that trouble to make hundreds of trees? No, that's why fractals come in handy because you can make one fractal tree and reuse the same line of code to place it somewhere else thus saving u time and memory on your computer.
In conclusion, I think that the best part of vr is the use of it in video games because thank god those guys can apply math to their work or else there would be Final Fantasy 7 or N64 and that would be hell. So I would like to say thanks math!!!

Final Fantasy 7 baby!!
report by Alberto Bhoge
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